7/4(土)10:30~& 7/9(木) 20:00~「朝英語の会京阪神@オンライン~The Japan Times紙記事について議論する」に利用する記事が配信されました。
Let's discuss the struggle of mealtime
Warm up
One minute chat about your favorite food.
Collect words related to family, e.g.: home, child, love, etc.
Let’s discuss the article
1) Has staying at home changed your eating habits?
2) How do you prepare your meals?
3) How can we get men to help out more around the house?
【朝英語の会@京阪神】Let's discuss the struggle of mealtime~The Japan Times紙について議論する:7/4(土)10:30~& 7/9(木) 20:00~
7/4(土)10:30~ https://passmarket.yahoo.co.jp/event/show/detail/01eym61123y82.html 7/9(木) 20:00~